Monday, March 15

Baby's Milestones: The Neanderthal Sit

I love this little sitting position. Rowan is sitting pretty well now, but if I can't be right there or don't put the boppy around him he inevitably falls forward onto his knuckles. I find it so cute and am loving that he loves sitting and watching life happen around him so much.

So, I can guarantee that Rowan won't be the middle child with no pictures of himself. The new camera and the light that streams through our living room every afternoon mean that I want to take portraits of him everyday. I restrain myself most of the time, but sometimes I just let loose. I must confess, I'm a bit smitten with this little man and think he's awfully cute. Its one on the best parts of motherhood - falling hard for your babe.

1 comment:

The Egan Family said...

Such beautiful photos, Emily! Thanks for sharing your adorable little man today.