Friday, April 24

Making Special

I've been thinking about creativity a lot lately.  It doesn't hurt that I live with someone who is writing a dissertation on human and divine creativity.  But, what has spurred a lot of my recent thought is the 'sacred circle' that I have recently joined.  The group, composed of six women, was inspired by "The Artist's Way" (which I haven't read yet).  All six of us are interested in writing in some form and living artistically in general (this obviously looks different for each of us).  I think the idea is that creativity is part of the spiritual journey and it is a way that we learn about ourselves and God.   I've been asking myself what this means for all people.  It is easy to think about creativity in terms of art, music, theater... but I think in the end creativity is much more basic to our humanness and perhaps comes down to 'making special'.  There is no need for paint brushes and knitting needles (thought these can be great options), but simply a need to see creation, love it, name it, and remember it... making special.

I think it is in story that we so often learn to 'make special'.  The importance of putting words to thoughts and images and naming the world around us (whether it be kids of trucks or complex emotions and drama) is at the heart of creativity.  Perhaps, this, more than any other reason, is why we should read to our children.  We teach them what it means to be human and in doing so give them the tools to know God and his good creation.

Jonah and I did a little 'making special' yesterday as we hosted a literary tea for several friends.  Each child brought a favorite picture book and we read them while sharing yummy scones, muffins, fruit and tea sandwiches.  Jonah served his friends tea with his curious George tea set.  I loved hearing him say "Would you like some tea?"  

The kids picked great books.  Jonah helped me read 'Train Song' which he can recite pretty much verbatim.  Henry brought "Spot's Garden"; his older sister Bea brought along "Henry goes to Fitchburg"; Sophia brought "Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom";  and Theo brought "Piggety-Wiggity-Jiggity-Jig" (I think that is the title).  We certainly read some other great books too.
 Picking flowers, making finger sized sandwiches, serving tea from our favorite tea pots, putting out homemade table clothes... making special.

And afterward, while Jonah napped I left the mess and finished knitting the back of the baby's sweater while wondering why having a lemon on your glass makes water taste so much better.

1 comment:

Emily said...

hi, this is alison, emily's cousin...i made a blog for Maren if you want to check it a way to keep everyone updated on her and how to pray!