Friday, January 23

Story Group

I'm working through the book To Be Told with three friends.  We meet weekly to talk about the chapters and to talk about a story that we've written that week.  Last week we had to try to make a well of stories - just brainstorm as many 'scenes' from our lives that we could think of from some prompts (i.e. think of smells from your life, think of something about each grade, when are times you felt strong emotion...)  Then from that well, or a given prompt we have to write one story to share with the group.  It is a fun process and we are all learning as we listen to each others and our own stories.    

Last saturday I made myself a 'story group bag' (though I have to admit I took it to knitting night Wednesday too).  It is reversible with pockets for my pencils, pens and pencil sharpener.  Laura and brian sent me these fun fabrics for Christmas and the fastener on the front is a piece of branch from our Christmas tree that Jim sawed off for me when he was stripping the tree to make the pieces for our lenten cross.

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