Tuesday, July 7

Narnian Naming Ceremony

The third graders at Veritas read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe at the end of the year.  And the last day of school there is a Narnian Naming Ceremony.  I've been looking forward to this event since I saw some pictures on the Veritas website before we even moved to Richmond.  

Jonah has read the book several times, but I was so grateful that he could read and discuss it with his class. At the end of the book the four human children are all given names that describe how they grew or who they were becoming.  In light of this, each set of third grade parents is invited to choose a name for their third grader.  Jim and I had thought about what we would pick all year, but in the end came back to our first thought when we found out we were to pick a name back in the fall.  It was a very special moment to hear everyone shout "Long live Jonah the Just!"

I had a lot of fun planning and, with lots of help, pulling off a narnian feast.  All the foods represented food from the book.  I divided the table into four sections that represented the four main food events in the book.  We had little lampposts with the place name and then the quote from the book about the food at each of the four sections.  

First, Mr. Tumnus and Lucy had tea.  There was a cake with powdered sugar on it, honey butter toast, and sweedish fish to represent the sardines.  We also had mini cupcakes with toppers made by the third graders.

 Second, there was Edmund's encounter with the White Witch.  We had turkish delight and whoopers and marshmallows to represent the hot drink.
 Third, the children shared a meal with the beavers: fish, potatos, and marmalade rolls.  We had potato straws, potato appetizers, tuna sandwiches, sweedish fish and marmalade roll.
 And last, was the feast at Cair Paraval.  All that is mentioned in the book is that wine flowed.  So we went with sparkling juice (made narnian by designing and printing these labels) and some grapes (because they are lovely and somehow royal.)

1 comment:

Sarah Puryear said...

Wow. That is so imaginative and creative. Anyone in Nashville want to start a Veritas school? I would so love for Hays to go to a school like this. Congratulations, Jonah the Just!