Sunday, May 11

Garden Notes

The garden has been my happy place these past few weeks of waiting.  I love the feeling of dirt on my hands, the surprise of seeing tiny sprouts spring from the seeds I sowed (I know it seems like this shouldn't be surprising, but it is every time - a little miracle that those dry seeds can bring new life), and as most mama's know, being on your hands and knees at this stage is such a comfortable position.  

The rhubarb and grapes are our prize winners, they are taking off with gusto.  My tomato and pepper seeds sprouted, but I do believe we killed them after that with a bit too much under heat.  So my dad took me to get pepper and tomato plants when they were down at the end of April and it was so satisfying to put in those beautiful healthy plants.  We have 15 peppers and 29 tomato plants.  They are certainly our focus this year, and will be in the future too if all goes well.  We really love salsa and would love to do some tomato canning if we can.

Peas, beans, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, summer and winter squash, carrots, onions and greens are all sprouting.  Cucumbers and basil seeds were tucked into warm soil this week and I do hope they grow (I so want fresh pesto!)  Cilantro and herbs for an herb spiral are still waiting to be planted.    I'm feeling very grateful for a long growing season as there is so much we want to try this year and I don't feel to rushed to get everything in at once.  

The inchworms are everywhere and seem very partial to the blueberries, plum tree, and raspberries.  I'm quite worried about them.  We're trying neem oil spray which seems to be helping some.  Any other organic ideas out there?

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