Friday, January 18

Church Year Play

This little montessori inspired church year activity surfaced from our boxes.  It is simple to make and Rowan has been having a lot of fun clipping the right colored clips on the pie slices.  I saw something like this on Thoughts from the Sheep Fold last springand made two - one for church and one for us.  I used watercolors on watercolor paper and then laminated it so it would withstand all the clipping.


Leslie said...

Hi Emily! You might have seen this on my blog. I love how the watercolors look. So pretty! I hope you are settling into the new year! I'm way behind on my blog reading and writing!!!

Watkins said...

Oh, thanks. Sorry I didn't give credit, will fix that. I just didn't remember and as it was last year ... :o) I'm rather behind on my blog world stuff too, but trying to catch up.

Leslie said...

Thanks for the link! I forgot to say before, I love how you made the sections correspond to the length of the season! I may have to rework mine! I'm loving getting caught up on your blog!