Monday, April 9

He is Risen

Lent felt so so fast this year.  And then Resurrection Day took an unexpected twist as we tended to a toddler with a stomach bug.  Our empty tomb cake this year, which was meant to be for a picnic with friends, wasn't actually assembled until dinner time.  The boys enjoyed the story, and those of us who were well enough enjoyed the cake! 
Happy Easter Dear Friends!


suewatkins said...

So sorry to hear someone was sick. Was it Rowan? Anyone else get it?

Watkins said...

Yes, Rowan has a nasty little stomach bug. He's been sick for three days. He is on the mend today though and so far we are all well.

Emily said...

These pictures are all gorgeous. I hope everyone is well. Your boys are little heartbreakers. That Rowan is just adorable in his little hat in the back of the stroller. Jeremy just took his board exams the same week that Jim submitted his thesis. Yay for both of those things! And, who just up and draws awesome magnets? Amazing.