Tuesday, April 20

Baby Tea 2

We had such fun last month getting together with all the Autumn and Winter babies in the divinity school community, that we decided to do it again. Unfortunately one baby was ill, but we still had five precious wee ones. It is so nice to get together with other mums of babies - to hear about their babies milestones and see how they are already each so unique in their development and personality.

This was the first time Rowan has been excited to see (and chew on) new toys. Above he is chewing on 'Sophie the Giraffe'. I've never seen him spend so long with one toy - he chewed on her for about an hour.
And, as last time, Jonah wanted in the picture taking action. As all the others babies are first babies in their families jonah joins us as the token big brother.
This is a scene that is more and more common. I love finding my boys playing together. Nothing in the world is funnier than brother Jonah - and Jonah loves that!

1 comment:

Stolitza Family Fun Times said...

There could be nothing sweeter. What an adorable picture. Sure wish i could give them both a big hug. Miss all of you Amy