Friday, March 12

Spring Cleaning

It is funny, but I'm not sure if it is my emergence from the fourth trimester (okay so I know that should have been over a couple months ago, but sleep is a huge part of the equation for me and we're just now getting to consistant 6 hour stretches) or if it is the change in the weather or if the organizing kick I've been on since getting back to the states is prompting it, but whatever the reason, I'm in spring cleaning mode. There are moments of despair as things haven't been kept up since our wee man arrived, but I'm finding a lot of pleasure in sorted spots and am finding that that is where I need to focus, on what is done and not on what isn't.
Yes, we do wear a lot of brown and tan (which my mother laughs at because as a teen I refused to wear anything brown.) Oh, and the blanket and diaper pail matching is sheer luck. The blanket was a gift and the pail was just in our garage when we moved in. But, I love this organized little corner in the upstairs bathroom. Fully lived in and functional. Tidy in a way, but full of the stuff we're using to live too. I spend a lot of moments here with my little man, changing, reading, and playing peek-a-boo. It is a corner I want to remember when we leave this home.

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