Wednesday, February 24

All in a winters day...

There were snow flurries when we woke up, but soon the snow turned slushy and the day outside was most uninviting. So we went about making the most of an indoor sort of day.
Homemade Pita: It was so good yesterday we made a second round of pita today. The Moosewood cookbook never fails me!
Olympic Watching:

Puppets: Jonah helped me sew the curtain for on a tension rod for the door.
And when daddy got home he put on quite the puppet show - all about a fish who didn't want to swim and grew legs.
Mazes: I've been making 'lenten mazes' for Jonah the past few days as we talk about the journey of lent to prepare for the mystery of Easter. Some are labrynths, some go through the days and disciplines, and some are the good shepherd looking for his sheep.
Memory: I stopped counting how many times we played.

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