Saturday, September 26

Days of Waiting

I struggled so much in the last couple weeks of my first pregnancy - tons of prelabor and I felt pretty depressed. Dreading these last few weeks has been one of the worst part of this pregnancy, but I'm happily suprised to find that this time around the pre-labor is milder (at least so far - some contractions, but nothing like with Jo) and my life is so full of good things and distractions that even on the days when I'm feeling listless and down I keep going and find myself treasuring moments along the way.

Yesterday was the hardest day so far, but Jonah had better ideas than Mom sitting around, so we read books outside in and on blankets with hot chocolate - it is getting chili.
Then Jonah found the big bag of buttons that I found in a box at the auction last week and bought the whole box for a couple pounds (mostly for the buttons, but I also got five really nice metal storage tins with glass lids for lentils, bulgar wheat, salt...). So we counted, sorted and strung matching ones on yarn. We brought out some coins and played button shop for at least an hour.
And then Jonah found a roley-poley and it was his new best friend. Jonah brought it toys and showed it all the different piles of buttons. He took it inside and brought him back out. The poor roley-poley, Jonah tries to be so gentle and I love to see him playing with a bug, but I can only imagine what it is like for the little guy.

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