Friday, June 26

Happy Birthday Jonah!

Birthday breakfast was extra special in our hotel. Jonah even got to drink juice - a special treat!

After breakfast we visited some sights in the city and then boarded a train to Rome. There were a couple new birthday books for Jonah on the train. We loved reading Madeline and the Cats of Rome and wondered if we would see all the things Madeline saw in Rome.

When we arrived in Rome Jonah was excited to see Gammy, Papa, Uncle Jeff and Uncle John. There were birthday presents to open and a little celebration for our now three-year-old boy.

Mom and Dad had bought Jonah a Claas tractor, just like the one at the farm we sometimes visit in Scotland. All the German made toys (including the bruder vehicles - which his tractor is) were so tempting to parents who love fair trade toys!

And I finally could give him his birthday crown that traveled with us through Europe for this one day.

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