Wednesday, May 27

Park Bag

I made this bag  and did the little bit of embroidery for the patch several weeks ago.  But I didn't get to actually sewing the patch onto the bag until last night while Jim and I watched 'Britians Got Talent' online.  We've decided that watching TV (all be it via internet) is a moving tradition.  We so rarely watch anything, but every time we've moved the past couple years we've gotten into a show.  When 10 o'clock comes around and I'm beat and feel like if I have to wipe out another cupboard or pack another box I'll collapse, we snuggle up on the couch and watch something.  

I keep reminding myself that a week from right now we'll be in Geneva and that makes it all seem worthwhile.  

The bag is made of a canvas fabric with cotton lining.  The pattern if from the book "Weekend Sewing".  The only way I differed from the pattern was that I added the pocket for our water bottles, as well as, the one  the pattern called for (that we plan to use for camera, Band-Aids and other park necessities).
Above: packed with water bottles and carrots for the ponies for our farm adventure (pictures soon to come)
Below: repacked with books to be moved into Jim's office while we travel

1 comment:

Gammy said...

As always, amazing! At least to me who cannot sew anything.
At this point you must be exhausted with moving. Take care of yourself!!!!!