Thursday, May 14


Jonah's birthday gift from Granddad and Grandma arrived yesterday in the mail.  And I know his birthday isn't until mid June, but I had trouble waiting till the end of his nap - let alone a month!  There was some thought behind this decision as well.  Finn is to be Jonah's travel companion this summer (notice the doubledecker bus on his shirt? He was custom made of all natural fibers to join Jonah on his adventures this summer by bamboletta) and Jonah isn't one to bond instantly with stuffies, so I figured it would be good to give them time to get used to each other before we embark on our adventure. 
Jonah really likes Finn, but just like any new friend he gives Finn a lot of space - he's almost bordering on shy with him.  Today we took Finn into town and Jonah wanted me to tell Finn about all the places we past.  "Tell him more about our church Mummy!"  "Tell him what we do at Holy Trinity."  I'm definitely the mediator at the moment, but I think they'll be having their own conversations very soon!

Hopefully there will be more of Finn in posts to come.

1 comment:

Gammy said...

I am looking forward to meeting Finn! I am sure he is a great friend to Jonah. And hopefully Finn is learning his way around St, Andrews!
And I finally learned how to leave comments after all this time!