Wednesday, November 19

Gratitude Tree

So here is our Thanksgiving tree.  The leaves are being added daily - so there are more now then when we took the picture.  We can all write things we are thankful for on the leaves and then hang them.  The things we are grateful for range from Ketchup and marshmallows to the truly important grandparents.
And those of you who we have talked to recently have probably heard about Jonah's dramatics/ general moodiness.  He is obviously exploring emotions.  There might be a full minute between the above and below pictures - from utter joy to deep sorrow.

Above our sad Jonah you can see our nature table.  Jonah was forever bringing sticks and bits of outside, but the floors were getting so dirty and I was finding crumbled leaves and bits of sticks here and there about the house.  I was sad to have to tell him that he had to leave the things outside.  I just finished the book "the Creative Family" and it gave me the idea of having a designated spot for our nature play.  Right now there are a couple balls of wool yarn, some butternut squash and an assortment of sticks, leaves, and pinecones.  It think it is beautiful and we are having a great time stacking the pinecones and helping the squash to have conversations.

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