Monday, November 23

Christ the King Sunday

We needed an errand after church while Jonah was at pageant practice. And since it was Christ the King Sunday a cheesecake was in order (because I'm fairly certain cheesecake is the official cake of the coming Kingdom.) Pumpkin cheesecake with a little chocolate drizzle and a paper crown added was just the thing.  Neighbors walked over (and saved us from eating a whole cheesecake). The boys ran for birthday candles and I thought it was a great use for the pile of pink candles that keep accruing in a house full of boys.   That said, the three year olds were singing "Happy Birthday dear king" so we may pass on birthday candles next year and avoid confusing Christ the King and Christmas. 

I am a bit in denial that advent begins next Sunday.  The weeks in this last stretch have flown by and I'm grateful but also eager to slow down, which is a perfect longing as we enter Advent.  Here's hoping it actually feels that way. 

Happy Christ the King Day!

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