Wednesday, July 22

Celebrating the Saints

There are two saints days this week and I'm gathering and getting ready.  I have a goal to celebrate all the main feast days of the episcopal church this year.  I'm counting 33 in the prayer book, but that doesn't include moving holidays like Easter, Pentecost, Ascension, etc.  In the Episcopal church the major feast days commemorate the apostles, a few other key figures, and the main events in the New Testament Narrative.

So what does it mean to celebrate a feast day at our house?  It certainly doesn't mean a traditional food feast in the full sense of the word.  Often it means a special food and maybe a craft.  It definitely means that some items will be set out to remind us about the person or event the day commemorates and we will talk or read to learn about the event or biblical character.   I love living the biblical story through the church year and am excited to add in the apostles days and a couple others this year as a way to celebrate this great story we are part of and learn together.

Tomorrow is St. Mary Magdalene Day and Saturday is the feast day of James the Greater.

(The links will take you to some pintrest boards I've been compiling in the past couple days.  We won't do half of what I pinned, but it is always fun to plan...)

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