Monday, October 29

Post 1000, with Gratitude

Rowan in the Texas sun!

Yep, this is my 1000 post in this space.  When I realized this milestone (if I can call it that) was approaching about a week ago, I found myself doing a lot of reflecting on this space.  The blog has evolved from a place to share kid photos with grandparents to a space where I ponder, share ideas and at times, practice a spiritual discipline or excercise gratitude.  It is fun to share thoughts and glimpses of our life with you, my sweet readers, and it has been amazingly helpful for me over the past few years.

I have some plans for this space in the next 1000 posts and I've written and rewritten thoughts about that, thinking I would post them here... but my thoughts still aren't ready to be published :o)

Thank you for joining us here on this journey, it is your presence which keeps me writing and your comments always brighten my day.  Thank You.

Here is a knight with his helmet on...
And here is the same knight at 'the scene' Granddad made in the pond house.


Nicki Wilkins said...


alison said...

Congratulations, Emily! Quite the accomplishment. :)

Laura said...

Congratulations on 1000! And thanks for posting so we can see and read what you are thinking about and doing. I've greatly enjoyed it. Love the Rowan knight photos!

The Egan Family said...

Happy 1000th post! I love your blog, and I'm so glad we've cultivated our friendship through it from afar!