Tuesday, January 18

Extra Hands in the Kitchen...

...and I'm loving it.  Jonah has decided that he and I run a restaurant and Daddy and Rowan are our costumers.  He finds it hilarious to continually ask Daddy why he sleeps at the restaurant each night.  "Perhaps we are a Bed and Breakfast" I add and Daddy thinks that is a great idea, "Will Jonah make our bed?"  
photo by Daddy
I've had help with bread, crepes, cranberry chocolate cookies (from Apples for Jam - Yum!) and cupcakes  to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday (pink frosted cakes from Apples for Jam - certainly not very healthy - but yummy) in the past couple days.  And Rowan is content with some beans or popcorn in a bowl to stir with a teaspoon - my sweet little helper.

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