Thursday, June 10

The Birth of a Mother

While looking for photos for Jonah's Birthday book (a new tradition I'll share when it is finished) I came across this photo. Jonah is only a few days old. When I spotted this photo yesterday, I could so clearly remember the sensation of awe I had then and what it felt like to hold my first babe. The girl in the photo looks young to me, perhaps that is because I remember the overwhelming nature of that step into motherhood or because I know how much I have learned in the past few years.

Here I am four years later and still I feel that awe and that love, but now times two. I have grown so much and have learned so much and yet, I still feel young and lost in my mothering at times. I am forever being stretched by the task of caring for and relating with my boys. As Jonah's birthday approaches (next Wednesday) I have been pondering all the changes the last four years have brought. Jonah's birthday will always carry two meanings for me - as his birthday and as my birth into motherhood. It is good to remember that I'm still growing and still young as a mother (just 4). I certainly haven't 'figured out' how to manage a household or how to make a home, but I keep learning and I'm enjoying the journey more and more.

Oh, and was he ever really that small?

1 comment:

Stolitza Family Fun Times said...

You are doing a wonderful job as a young mother. And you have definitely made a home where two little boys are growing up surrounded by love. What more can we aim for. Keep up the good work both of you 4-year olds. Happy Birthday to both of you. Rowan is adorable with his huge smile for Daddy. Revel in these first years they do go by so quickly.