Monday, February 15

This was my lunch and other confessions

Yes, it was one of those days. The day when my teething baby refuses to nap or be set down, the day when I thought the potty-training was just about conquered and was wrong, the day when I left the stroller out while I hustled boys toward lunch and nap (which neither took) and it got drenched, the day when my parenting wasn't quite as gentle as I wished it (oh, if only Rowan hadn't woken up every 45 minutes last night!)... yes, it was that day.

It was a day that when 3:30 rolled around I thought I was about to go crazy, cry, or both. So I grabbed my camera in a moment of still and looked around for the things that kept me going all day. The moments of gratitude that promised redemption would come.

Three year old hands offered me these first signs of spring yesterday after playing outside with Daddy -

As I rushed up the stairs to change Rowan I caught a glimpse of blue sky - oh blue!
And then Daddy came home and said "take an hour - do what you need to do." A hot shower and a much procrastinated project later I was ready to tackle reheating leftovers and the bedtime routine.

All the same, I'm glad these days don't come around too often.

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