Saturday, January 30

Homemade at Grandma and Grandad's house

As a child we made these doughnuts most every fall and it has been a tradition that I've tried to carry on for my boys. Jim, who loves doughnuts was duly impressed that I could actually make doughnuts. I am always grateful for a husband who cherishes and is surprised by homemade goodies.

Well, this fall with a new baby the doughnuts didn't get made, so I was glad when Grandma and Granddad decided to make them with and for the kids in January. It is my Grandma Wingard's Recipe and they are melt-in-your-mouth yummy when warm - and I don't even like doughnuts all that much otherwise.

And before the doughnut making was over the boys decided that they needed to make lemonade (which they had done the day before with Grandma when their moms were out for lunch).

And soon after that they made groundhog cookies (a little early as it was at least a week before groundhog day) What a day of making and baking.

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