Tuesday, June 2

pre-trip sewing frenzy

Jonah was playing with my buttons a couple days ago and ask me if he could sew them onto his embroidery - 'Great Idea!'  

I've also been sewing like crazy in all my time that isn't spent packing.  I think part of it was pre-withdrawal from my sewing machine.  I've sewed so much the past months that leaving the machine for seven weeks is tough.
I made a stroller caddy to hold workbooks, water bottles, and other travel accessories.  It has handles so you can unbutton it and carry it to your train seat.
We needed a safe way to carry a bit of cash and passports, so after browsing the 'moneybelt' options online (and realizing most of them aren't an option for a pregnant woman) I made myself a little 'never-needs-to come off pouch with a few pockets.

I sewed Jim secret pockets inside his pant pockets in all the pants he is taking (only four pairs - we're only taking one bag for all three of us)
Jonah needed some summer pants - lightweight enough for Rome and Paris heat, easy to wash and dry in sinks along the way, that will cover his legs so his legs won't get sunburned, and can be worn over long johns to make three pairs of warmer pants for in the alps with out taking much space.  So I sewed three pairs.  The blue ones look a bit like hospital scrubs, but overall we're really liking them.  

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