Tuesday, March 25

Knuffle Bunny

Yesterday we took a day off, after a crazy busy Holy Week. We went to the zoo in the morning and out for Thai in the evening. Jonah is trying to fill Daddy's new water bottle from his water bottle.
Jonah recieved his very own Knuffle Bunny for Easter (if you haven't read Mo Willem's Knuffle Bunny and Knuffle Bunny Too - they are fabulous picture books.)
Knuffle Bunny joins Jo and Tiger in bed now - this is quite an honor as other animals have been rejected as bed time pals.
Jonah gives Knuffle bunny a hug.

Jonah was looking sharp in his "Lucky Brand"

1 comment:

Emily said...

Jonah looks like a little scientist in that top pic. Cute.