
Saturday, May 1

The week in review

This week I've been...

pondering the ascension after leading a Bible study on Acts 1 this week. Why is this important event so under-celebrated and talked about in the church? Did you know that ascension day is Thursday, May 13th (40 days after Easter)? I'm wondering how to celebrate and am thinking about the theological implications of the ascension.

amazed by the wonder Rowan has about everything... this is such a lovely stage!

thoughtful about what it means to be compassionate. Jonah and I went to see the Watoto (a nonprofit you can read more about here) children's chior Tuesday night. All of the children are orphans of Aids or war in Uganda that have been found by Watoto given homes in children's villages where they are given a family for life. It was an amazing concert. Jonah and I sat right at the front and the children (most around 10 years old) sang, danced and drummed. Jonah was mesmerized.
The leader of the group told a story about a race where the children all stopped to go help a child who fell down. He said "Life isn't about winning, but about stopping to help those who have fallen on the way." If I were making a short list of what I want my boys to learn before they grow up this would be toward the top of the list.

happy to have added a couple new tools to make my life a little easier. We were just given a little money and the first thing I said to Jim when it came was "I'm ordering a high quality cheese grater and a good carrot peeler." I was so tired of our flat broken grater and our peeler was so dull I stopped using it ages ago. So we had mac and cheese last night - from this favorite recipe so I could try out the grater... and while I know it may seem a bit silly to be going on about a cheese grater, it is oh, so nice!

wishing that I was a bit more on top of some household tasks... yes, that is my laundry hanging in a downpour!

enjoying learning a bit more about sewing. I'm reading "Seams to Me" by Anna Maria Horner and while I've been sewing for as long as I can remember I am glad to be learning a bit more about needle size and other little technical things.

trying to savor the little moments of the week.

I hope you've had some beautiful moments this week.

1 comment:

  1. What sweet pictures of Rowan's little face!
