
Friday, April 30

Jonah Paints

Jonah has been painting a lot lately. His paintings are rather abstract, but he does a lot of thinking about them... reminds me of another painter in our house. (If you haven't seen any of Jim's work you can see it here. Unfortunately his more abstract work isn't posted.)

"This painting is Jesus' body. The Red is Jesus' blood. The black line is the sacrifice. Blue is his body. Gold is the invisible. The silver is the impicable." - Jonah
[impicable isn't, as far as I can tell a mispronunciation of something else, but his own word]

A painting theologian... I wonder where that came from.

"This painting is called Venice at Night. [The center of the large area to the left] is carnival." - Jonah (He has a Magic Treehouse book about the Carnival in Venice.)

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed. He's brilliant. Impicable, as soon as we know what it means, will quickly become part of worldwide vocabulary, I'm certain.
