
Thursday, November 17

In waiting...

We're waiting.  As this afternoon passed this little man became the 'latest' of my babes (Rowan was a day after the due date and Jonah was two days after).  And yet, I'm feeling quite relaxed, for really, he isn't late at all - he'll come when the time is right.  This peace has been such a blessing as I really struggled in the last couple weeks of my other pregnancies feeling emotional and impatient.  It has certainly helped to have Jim's parents here the last few days, we've been out every morning and then to lunch, which makes the days full, not giving me time to pace the house and focus on all the pre-labor that has been going on for a week now.

I mentioned last Friday that I 'needed' our room clean before baby arrives.  I am also 'needing' flowers.  As the cold and dark (oh so dark!) of winter sets in, a small sprig of flowers here and there seem to help the house seem a little brighter and a little more alive.  A large bouquet of Mums is only a couple pounds at the store and can be spread throughout the house quite nicely, especially as I add flowers and leaves we've found outside to the mix.  It has become a bit of an obsession in the past week, but it certainly lifts my spirits and helps me to slow down and focus on these wee bits of beauty through these days of waiting.


  1. How nice that you have some grandparents to keep everyone company while you wait! Best birthing wishes!

  2. oh em, the flowers are lovely. here's to little ones who arrive in their own time and a good birth.

  3. I'm glad you have peace. The waiting can be hard. How nice for God to spare you that stress. I loved your last post. DId you have a blessingsway? Just wondering b/c my friend wants to have a Christian blessingsway and is looking for ideas. Good luck to a wonderful birth!!!! I can't wait to see "THE post". :)

  4. He sure is surprising a lot of people by not being here yet! I am so excited to hear the news of his arrival but am glad that you're bearing the waiting well. I guess all that pre-labor is just doing its work again and will leave you with just a short while in the hospital before you meet your wee man! :)

  5. What a blessing to have peace in these last days instead of frustration and stress! I am eagerly awaiting the announcement of your new wee lad! Oh and I always felt the same way about flowers in the house when the sun started to fade in those winter days - its amazing what that bit of life and color add to your mental state and additude! I am prayin for a safe birth for you and your new babe as well as a baby boy who sleeps peacefully and for long stretches of time ;)

  6. Thanks all for your lovely comments.

    Haley, I actually think of you sometimes when I buy flowers, because I remember you having some amazing lilies at one point and saying that you would buy them in these dark days... that was the beginning of my squeezing them into the grocery budget in these cold months.

    Yes, I did have a blessingway and had one with Rowan as well. This one was a sensory basket, Rowan's was based on a godly play/liturgy about our family that a friend wrote. I've also thrown some where we've made beads to go with our blessings (to be used in labor and as prayer beads), the traditional henna with blessing, making a quilt or birthday banner where folks wrote a blessing on squares or the birthday banner, often a book of the blessings is made... there are lots of ideas. It would be fun to post about this sometime and see if anyone else has any other ideas.

  7. Sending love and prayers as your wait and as you bring this new little one into the world! Many blessings to you and your whole beautiful family in this exciting time! Can't wait to hear the good news!

  8. Thinking of you guys and looking forward to your announcement! Surely you're in the right heart/mind/soul place for a peaceful labor for you and your littlest guy.

  9. So glad you feel peace! I love you, sis! Can you belive that a new babe is about to enter the world and discover all the love that awaits!?!
