
Saturday, November 19

In Advent...

Well, the waiting is getting harder as the days pass by, but we're still doing fine - waiting for whatever is to come.  Advent means to come and my thoughts have been on the advent season the past few days, as well as, our own little one who is coming.   And, these comings have inspired a couple crafts over the past week.

Friday, while the boys went on a fun adventure to the castle and cathedral with Gammy and Papa, I used decorating wax to make a candles for advent.  One is for the Christ Candle for our godly play at church and the other will be our dinner candle through advent.
And for our own 'coming' Jim and I painted our boys symbols onto canvases (sorry, this picture isn't very clear).  Jonah means 'dove' and Rowan is named for the rowan tree.  And yes, we painted a third, but you will have to wait as it is tucked safely away to appear when our third little guy arrives.


  1. beautiful paintings! can't wait to see the 3rd! Blessings to you as you wait, I know how it can be difficult because you're so anxious to meet this little one! Our most recent baby was a week late. That was the longest week of my life:)

  2. Your candles are beautiful! Looks like you have a new blog banner for Advent! :) Still thinking of you and looking forward to seeing canvas number 3!

  3. I love the third nail waiting for its painting! Glad you're finding waiting to be more peaceful this time around.

  4. Hmmmm. I think you should show us the third and see if we can guess the name from the symbol, lol!!! My, I can hardly wait!
