
Thursday, January 6

Baby's Milestones: First Steps

I hope you are having a joyous Epiphany.  The wise men left chocolate stars and a book for each boy in exchange for the grass that the boys left for the camels in their shoes (this post explains this tradition in a little more detail).  Jonah received a book on chess and I don't expect him to emerge (except maybe to try out new tricks on mum and dad) until our friends arrive this afternoon to make crowns and share an Epiphany meal.  

Perhaps I will have Epiphany photos to share later, but in the meantime, I thought I would share a baby milestone that has passed us by undocumented.  In the first week of December Rowan took not one first step, but five to Daddy.  Since then, every now and then, we trick him into taking a few steps (usually by giving him a large object that he can't crawl with), but if he really wants to get somewhere he crawls - it is safer and more efficient I guess.  Both of our boys have been such cautious walkers!  I expected my impulsive little guy to be a bit less cautious, but he and Jonah seem to be on the same walking trajectory (Jonah's first 'walk').  

Rowan loves to stand and dance, does a two footed hop more often than he steps (he has always been a bouncy baby) and as soon as he decides he'll be walking all over.   Sorry for the blur in the photos - I was trying to take the photos with no flash in low lighting (it is hard to get natural light photos, when there are only a few hours of daylight. Come back sun, come back!)


  1. Rowan, you have quite the spiffy outfit. Very fun to see you standing up!

  2. Hi Emily,
    I have been enjoying following your family's adventures through your blog. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. We missed you at our Christmas tea this year. Maybe you can come to PA for the holidays next year. Take care!

  3. Kristy, we are hoping to make it to the US for the holidays next year. Hopefully it will work out that we can be in PA for the tea!
