I made this set last spring for the parable of the mustard seed. And as we begin Christ life and parables again in this pre-lent season it was so nice to just take the box down and use it again. Right now I'm needing the traditions and materials that are made and ready to grab from the shelf (perhaps why I am sharing something I made last year in this space.)
Wool felt works so well for making these parables and the children love putting the birds on and off. (Rowan is really loving hearing stories and enjoyed making the birdies fly around while I attempted to photograph this yesterday.)
After the story the children go to their work. There are many options and one is always art. This week I cut out paper pieces for them to glue and make their own story. I always feel torn when I make something so ready-to-assemble. I love their original drawings/creations and generally hold quite strongly to not giving children coloring pages and other 'busy work' as art. There are two reasons why I am now doing more of this with our preschool godly play at church. First, through my experience with my little boy who doesn't choose drawing most of the time, I've learned that some children need a jumping off place in these early years. Jonah enjoys assembly and is likely to draw part of a picture (i.e. many of the children drew the farmer as we didn't have one for them to glue on) even though he wouldn't tackle drawing the whole scene. Second, I find it very helpful for the parent and child (2-5 year olds) if they have something they can recognize as they try to retell the story later in the week. That said, we do a lot of play-dough modeling and always have other art supplies available should they chose to respond to the story in a different way.
I love your suggestion to use felt for the Parables! And I agree that it's good to have both 'Young Children and Worship' and 'Godly Play' as resources.
One YCW story that my youngest children love is "Jesus the King", about Palm Sunday. Like the Mustard Seed story, with the birds to be placed in the tree, this one has cloaks and palms to be placed on the road, while we say, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna!"
We love placing the palms and cloaks for the palm sunday story too. I was just thinking how fun it will be to dive into the Easter story soon :o)
Hi, I just found your blog through "Wonderful in an Easter Kind of Way". I love the felt materials that you made for the parable of the Mustard Seed! (Gives me inspiration!) I also do a lot of "Young Children and Worship", because Godly Play doesn't have very many stories about the life of Jesus. And the 3-4 year olds track with it better, because the stories are shorter.
I always love the ways you use Godly Play at home, Emily! I featured your post and photo in my parable post at http://livingmontessorinow.com/2012/02/09/creative-godly-play-at-home-parables/
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