
Saturday, August 14

Gift Words

I've been enjoying Games For Reading by Peggy Kaye. It has so many fun light-hearted ideas and she has a vision of teaching a child to love words. There are plenty of ideas for helping an early reader (there are also many pre-reading games). She recommends giving a child 'gift' words one at a time. It is such fun playfully choosing and giving words. Jonah loves it and I've been giving him more complicated words (castle, pencil, dinosaurs...) to help build more advanced reading skills, but it would be fun to do basic sight words with a pre-reader.

My own variation is that Jonah receives a new word and then must go on a quest to find that word in one of his books. After he has found a book with his word in it, I will tell him a story using all of his words and he reads the appropriate word when we come to it. (All our stories are about a royal family in a castle and their most trusted knight Sir Jonah) My other variation is that Kaye shows the picture of the word with the word. I drew the picture on the opposite side so Jonah can self-check his reading and won't be distracted from the word itself by the picture.

And with all these words lying about we needed a special pocket for them! So I hit the sewing machine with some fun new fabric Mom bought me, some old trousers (for lining) and a homemade patch.

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