
Wednesday, June 23

British Picture Books: The Tiger Who Came to Tea

This is one of the first 'new' books we encountered when we landed on this side of the pond. When I first read it I had no idea that I was reading a classic (published in 1968). I gather it is a nursery classic here (akin to 'The Runaway Bunny' in the US). Children's theaters perform a rendition of it and there are multiple editions (including the one we have with fuzzy tiger stripes.) The book was written by Judith Kerr; and while The Tiger Who Came to Tea is her most popular book, she has also written others including When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit (she left Germany as a child during WWII - I have this book coming into the library, so if you want to know how it is ask me in a few weeks) and the Mog series (about a cat - I've only read Goodbye Mog and wasn't overly fond of it.)
The Tiger Who Came to Tea is about a young girl and her mum who are visited by a tiger. They ask him to tea and he eats all the food in the house, drinks all the water in the taps and even finishes off Daddy's beer. When daddy gets home they have to go out for a dinner of sausage and chips. It is a simple story in the best way - a normal day where something unexpected happens. It leaves Jonah and I wondering when the tiger will pay us a visit... maybe we should stock up on tiger snacks!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this book if you have read it!

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