
Friday, May 7

Jim Blogs

Well, today we had a creative day. Jim spent the morning revamping his blog and preparing to post regularly on various artist (he's starting with Andy Goldsworthy - a favorite family artist); I'll let you go to his blog and see for yourself.

I spent the afternoon painting my sewing table and trying to get the sun porch back in order as the weather will allow me to move back out as soon as I'm a bit more organized.

Jonah told Jim today "I love Adventures in Odyssey (a radio drama) - it is so good for my image!". Jim asked "Do you know what that means?" "Yeah, Lightning McQueen (from the Disney movie cars) says that it isn't good for his image to hang out with those rusty old cars."
I'm always amazed at what kids pick up - it is amazing and a bit scary.

And here's your look at Rowan for the day.

1 comment:

  1. What a hilarious face! He looks like he is going to conquer the world!!
