
Monday, May 10

Gardening Season

Gardening is something that I have always loved the idea of... I planned and drew immense gardens as a child. Almost all of these were vegetable gardens; while I love flowers, it is growing things to eat that entices me. I remember several times my parents buying me the seeds and plowing a plot of land so I could see my dream become reality; but, inevitably my garden would be overrun with weeds before the seeds even came up. I had good intentions, but never the follow through. When we lived in Vancouver Jim and I found some big pots and tried again, only to have a similar experience as when I was a child.

I am determined this year that we will have plant and care for some veggies to help feed our family. I believe that this is an important part of living more sustainably and caring for creation (and having grown up a farm girl I do so love fresh food). Someday I would love to have an expansive garden with every veggie imaginable - enough that I could can veggies for the winter, but this year I bought a handful of seed packets and we'll see how it goes. So far, we are nursing our tomato seeds on the sunporch by day and putting them in the boiler room by night (you can't grow tomatoes outside here as it is a bit chilly) and there are salad onions, purple sprouting broccoli, and greens all under ground. There are also two small patches and half-a-dozen or so pots ready and awaiting seeds. So wish us luck or perhaps more aptly, wish us perseverance.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! I have attempted to "garden" in some form for the last six years. Last year, I got a handful of cherry tomatoes and ONE bean. Cory is building me a raised garden as a Mother's Day gift, and I am very much hoping to have better results! Best wishes for your own green pursuits.
