
Friday, April 23

Laundry Rug

I've been wanting a little rug for the sunporch (where I sew in the summer). The laundry is there and I use the counter over the machine for ironing. The room isn't heated, so when ironing in the colder months I've wished for a mat or rug of some sort.

We were just bequeathed some towels from a family moving back to the states and one was a bit stiff and a very bad match for our bathrooms... so it has now became our new laundry rug. The light-weight fabric is from Paris and the rug is based off of the one in Handmade Home, though I did my typical read/look and then go figure it out, rather than following the step by step directions. It was a simple project that I managed to do during a moment here and there while hanging with my little guys over the past week. Jonah was involved in some of the sewing (he loves to sit on my lap and push the backstitch button, wind bobbins and lift the presser foot for me.)

To make the rug you cut two rectangles (one of towel and one of a lightweight fabric), take the light-weight fabric and sew on strips of towel, sew around the two rectangles right sides together, trim corners, turn right side out, iron and topstitch (again I'm not sure if this is how the handmade home version goes exactly - but this is my version).
Hmmm... and who knew that watching laundry could entertain a 6 month old for a good 15 minutes.

And these last couple photos... I know you don't need more photos of the rug, but Rowan was being so cute! (You know I'm crazy for this little guy. I can't help myself - you have no idea how many photos of him I take and don't post!)

1 comment:

  1. clever idea. i can't wait to get my sewing machine and get started on some projects! thanks for sharing. Rowan's cuteness is worthy of a daily photo shoot to say the least!
