
Thursday, July 12

Where am I?

Blogging has been hard lately.  I could blame it on the extra work since daddy is on crutches, but really my disconnect to this space has been building for some time.  There was a new baby, then an international move, followed by settling into a new temporary home in French speaking Switzerland, then there was the viva preparation, and most recently a broken ankle taking Daddy away for fifteen days and then returning him temporarily lame...

What I've realized through all this, is that this space is an extension of my homemaking.  It is meant to be a hospitable space; and in the deconstruction of life in Scotland and the transience of this time, it is hard to find the energy to fully welcome others into all that I'm processing.  I just can't seem to gather thoughts and write a post.  Oh, I'm having lots of thoughts; my notebooks are full of jotted titles and ideas for posts, not to mention outlines for half a dozen books I'd love to write :o)  Life at L'abri is full of wonderful conversations, encounters with new ideas, and daily growth.  So hang in there friends, I'm really hopeful that the thoughtful, longer posts will start flowing.  In the meantime, I'll still be here, welcoming you all.  It might be a bit quieter for awhile, we'll just have to wait and see what comes.


  1. So very much understood, Emily! I know that craving to stop and process and write, but there is no stopping sometimes! (Or the time is too brief.) I actually think you're keeping up quite well with your lovely blog. Hope you're able to get those creative outlets when you need them. Blessings.

  2. I think I enjoy the short posts as much as the longer ones--even when they are simply an extraordinary little picture of one of your precious boys (what could be better than that?) so no apologies needed. I love your blog and think it is wonderful. I like how it's rhythm changes as your life does.
