
Thursday, June 28

Extra{ordinary} Homecoming

Generally in our lives, there is nothing as ordinary as all being together, but right now it feels rather extraordinary.  After fifteen days Jim finally returned home to us.  It has been a wild ride filled with tears and laughter.  The laughter has been the type that keeps you sane when there are differing opinions from doctors, changing stories from the insurance company and excessive waiting for surgery so the healing process can begin.  But, after eleven days in the hospital and a couple with friends (thank you!) Daddy is finally home and we are so glad to be together!


  1. Glad Jim is on the mend (and I love his shirt)!

  2. So so so so happy that you are all together again! I became all teary-eyed just seeing that photo of Jim with his precious baby and knowing that you all are truly together again!

  3. We were so surprised to see Jim at Edinburgh Airport when we arrived for graduation! I'm so sorry you guys had to go through all of that, especially in two different countries! We were getting updates from St Andrews folks about all the delays...sure glad he's back with you now and healing.
