
Friday, June 8

Chapter Finished.

Three years, nine months ago we arrived in St. Andrews with a single objective in mind - Jim's Ph.D.  
 While there our family of three became a family of five.  And we learned a lot, not just about the relationship between divine and human creativity (the topic of Jim's research), but about a whole host of things!

And today we celebrate the end of that journey.  Jim had his viva this morning, which was successful.  This chapter is finished.  Jim will be back to Switzerland tomorrow and we can focus on beginning the next chapter, whatever it may be!


  1. Congratulations, Emily & Jim! What an amazing journey it has been.

  2. Congratulations to all of you! It was a team effort. What a relief it must be to have it behind you!

  3. Congratulations! I remember meeting you for the first time, and it certainly does not seem like 3+ years have passed! But indeed they have, and what wonderful things have happened in that time. Blessings on you as you celebrate, look back with thankfulness and look ahead with hope!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS JIM! and to your whole family. What an amazing accomplishment--all those days and nights spent working on his thesis or juggling the rest of life's tasks so he could study and write. It is a wonderful journey that you all have had and how fortunate that you could explore the world at the same time as conquering a degree. With our brother having his fellowship graduation this weekend and Jim finalizing his degree, it is an amazing time for our family, isn't it? May you always have special memories from the doctoral years! I'm sure you do and always shall! YAY JIM!
