
Monday, April 2


It might be assumed that I haven't been in this space much of late because of time, afterall, we have been finishing a thesis, looking toward a move, been away...  But, the reality is, I'm having computer issues and it makes blogging rather frustrating.  The biggest issue is that this (getting older) computer is chalked full of images and we need to find a third place to store them as I want two digital copies (we already have a hard drive, but I haven't made any hard copies while living overseas and want to be sure I have a back-up).

Anyway, this is rather uninteresting news and I think we have a plan to get the photos off of the computer so I don't have to hand chose something to delete every time I upload more, but it is just going to take a chunk of time and hopefully we'll get to it soon (I promised my husband cookies if he'll help make this happen), but until then, the pictures are accumulating on the camera and I'll have lots to share once the computer speeds up and I can get new photos uploaded.

I'll be back soon!

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