I've been fascinated by mothers of great men in the past couple years. I went to a lecture about Tolkien last year and was struck by how instrumental his mother was in shaping who he became. And, at the book shower my family threw for Isaac last summer, my aunt gave me the book Moms Who Changed the World. It has been sitting on my bed-stand for sometime, neglected, not for lack of interest... but because there are so many books that catch my interest. Anyway, I've just begun it and have enjoyed the first half. The thing that struck me the most in the first few chapters was the amount of memory work these moms (Susanna Wesley, Margaret Ruskin...) did with their children. And they weren't memorizing a verse here or there out of context, they were memorizing passages. Memory verses are great, but I am often annoyed at how some of the most popular 'memory verses' are memorized without thought to the greater story they are placed in, leaving them bereft of the meaning they are meant to convey.
I've been amazed at the speed my boys (and small children in general) memorize. So as we play with the story of the good shepherd this Lent we are memorizing the 23rd Psalm. I wrote it out and illustrated it and made copies for school and dinner time readings. It is fun to hear Rowan recite the first lines and comforting to know that he is internalizing that 'The Lord is [his] Shepherd." And in this time of change and unknowing I'm really needing these words too.
It is astonishing how easily these little ones memorize. I had been reciting scripture to Austin since the day he was born but I wasn't sure it was sinking in, but by the time he turned two, he surprised me by reciting psalm 100. I never "taught" it to him, just always recited it daily. He now at 28 months knows many verses and we are also working on psalm 23. The thing is, he really enjoys it and asks for me to say it over and over. Just tonight, he said, "mama, read me the Bible, I need the Bible.". Amen to that.
ReplyDeleteI like your illustrated scripture page, very pretty. You have such an artistic gift.
This is great! You are inspiring me today! Thanks for all your great insights and help with inspiring other moms of young children to lead them into worship!
ReplyDeletedo you have this as a downloadable pdf or could I get a copy from you... I`m just lazy!
ReplyDeleteI think my cynical Evangelical "Bible is the ONLY..." has made me weary of Scripture of late...but the truth is, it's rich and beautiful, and speaks words from God and of God...I should read more to my children. Rote memorization has always been difficult for me, I prefer and am better at it through melody, but that doesn't mean my little one will be that way. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteevangelical *upbringing*