
Sunday, February 26


We celebrated Daddy over the course of several days, because we ended up in Glasgow on his real birthday.  And it was 30 after all!!!!  There was farmers market bacon for breakfast one day, lunch out another day and then there was a sushi night.  Because, there are few things my Jim likes more than sushi.

This 30th year is a big one with all the transitions approaching and the past few months have been stressful to say the least.  I've been so grateful for Jim's calm nature and the grace with which he has been balancing finishing the thesis, the job search, and serving me and the boys these past weeks.  It seemed fitting to stretch out the celebration!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

The boys made the mini sushi's on top with brownie circles, icing, coconut, gummies and precolored ready-to-roll icing.  Easy and fun!

Jonah insisted on 30 birthday candles - so daddy needed a little help!


  1. Love the sushi cake! So clever and love that the boys had such a hand in it. I'm sure they were so proud. And the real sushi ingrediants look so yummy!

  2. What a great cake!! You are so creative! Must have been very fun for everyone.
