
Thursday, January 12

"Back to School"

Baby is six weeks old and after two months of not 'doing school' we've begun again.  Oh this homeschooling thing is such an adventure.  I love learning together and 95% of our learning just happens.  The boys ask to play with the coin jar - sorting and counting, we read great books over lunch and afternoon hot chocolate, we explore outside -  sharing awe over paper thin birch bark and the white rocks scattered in our back garden...  But then there is skill time while the little boys nap.  I go back and forth on what I think about skill time at five, but overall it seems like a good idea for Jonah and, in general, we have a good time at it.  Granted, spelling, language lessons and handwriting are 'gotten out of the way' so we can get to history and music theory, but watching Jo grasp history and working on maps together is such a joy.

Note on Photo Above: Saxon math, though raved over by some, doesn't work for Jonah (though I would certainly try it with a different child - I have no problem with the curriculum, it just doesn't work for Jonah).  He wants new concepts and problems and I'm currently looking for a more condensed curriculum (any recommendations out there???).  So for the time being, I'm making math up as we go.  Above Jonah is playing math memory where his facts match their answers.  Funny how flash cards weren't fun, but we played this memory game six times the first day I made it.


  1. Nikki recommended that too. I'll have to find a copy to look through.


  2. Hi Emily! I actually haven't looked through it myself yet, but Singapore Math is what I hope to use with Dan :)

  3. Anna, let me know what you think once you use it. I've read a bit about it, but can't much without looking at it. Jonah isn't one for busy work and picks up new concepts quickly, so saxon math is to much repetition, and it is difficult to condense the curriculum as it is very integrated. I'm wondering if Singapore would be more condensed or more condensable. Perhaps when we are back in the states I'll be able to find some curriculums to browse.
