
Saturday, November 5

Giving Thanks: Autumn

My Bible study looked at Isaiah 40-44 this week and I came away reminded of how important it is to practice seeing and hearing God.  I thought of this space and my camera, because they are often instruments that make me slow down and recognize the beauty around me. 

I suppose right now I particularly need this.  We are busier than normal and I know that our routines are all about to shift with the entrance of our third little man.  We are also looking into the unknown.  After this year we have no idea where we will be or what life will look like.  And so, right now, it is good to be practicing seeing and hearing, because should life take unexpected and even difficult turns, this practice will hopefully prepare me.  It is easy to see God in the good things that happen in life, but much more difficult to understand where He is when things are out of sink.  

So this month I'm hoping to write some simple posts dedicated to seeing and hearing - dedicated to finding beauty in chaos - and dedicated to practicing gratitude.

Autumn Days::
The school room has this perfect little nook, that has become our nature space.  I always love the nature table best in Autumn.  The postcard hanging is from Jonah's godmother and is of St. Francis in honor of his feast day in October.  I of course love it because of the birds!  We have had some lovely autumn walks lately and the boys have enjoyed the coming of the dark (Mum isn't as sure about that), but they don't see darkness for the summer months, so rediscovering stars has been very exciting.


  1. We were in the same position last year. We knew Cory's post-doctoral teaching position was coming to an end, but we had no idea what was next and we had a baby on the way. God did provide, as he always does. At the end of May, Cory was offered his current job, and although we don't like being so far from home, we've seen much evidence that this was the place that the Lord prepared for us. I pray you find your just-right spot soon.

  2. Thanks Erica. We appreciate the prayers. I think it is particularly hard because we see so many well qualified friends without jobs coming out because of the current economy. But, I'm sure that God's plans will be made known even if they aren't what we have in mind :o)

  3. Love the pinecone garland! and the tree with I think fabric pieces tied to it--I'll have to remember to make those sometime! Thanks for all the good ideas!
