
Wednesday, October 12

In my Kitchen

My kitchen is a mix of things right now, there are a lot of dirty dishes stacked at moments and the apples haven't gotten out of their bags and into the basket (as you can see below) as this mama feels more and more tired at the end of pregnancy.  But as the nesting sets in fully, homemade food seems so very important, so there has been a burst of trying new recipes, hanging fresh basil to dry for my winter soups, and kneading bread with my little man.  Of course, Jim left for Rome this morning, so this week my kitchen will be churning out a lot of PB&J, honey and greek yogurt, and ramekins of frozen peas.

Courgette and Tomato soup with Foccacia bread - simple and good.
Sweet and Spicy Mackerel from the Fife Diet Autumn cookbook - so yummy (and easy)!


  1. Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog, especially your wonderful ideas for family traditions. I was thinking that you had recommended a book about festivals for the family during the year, but I can't find it now. I couldn't remember the name of the book. I was also wondering where do you get all your great ideas for traditions, do you read about them or just create them?? I'm really interested in starting to do more traditions in our family, we have 4 little girls and my oldest is about to turn 4. If you could email me sometime when you have a moment that would be so great! my email is I found your blog through the Barnards, I went to Baylor with them back in the day:) thanks!! Katie

  2. I too am enjoying your blog. I am friends with the leahys. And was wondering the same as the above comment about traditions. If you do have a go to book, I'd love to know. Molly.

  3. My ideas have come from lots of places, but perhaps my top two books would be 'Celebrating the Church Year' by Martha Zimmerman and I've enjoyed 'Festivals, Family and Food' which comes out of the Waldorf tradition. I would love to post on this sometime soon... I also enjoy a number of blogs and other books and lots comes from random places and has our own twist. Again, I'll have to write more on this.
