
Tuesday, September 20


The theme of my life right now is warmth.  This old house is cold.  Hot water bottles, hot chocolate and wool socks are all making their way into our routine.

And my little boys needed some warmer trousers (or, in Jonah's case, just some trousers that fit).  So flannel lined corduroy was a start.  Mr. 5 is resistant to trousers with buttons and zippers - I mean stopping what you are doing to go to the bathroom is hard enough with out the complication of extra steps!  And mama isn't so into sweat pants, so these trousers are a compromise.  They have an elastic waist, but can go with a collared shirt too (not that we wear those very often, but every once in a while I like to make an effort on sunday morning).  


  1. I'm jealous of your chilly weather. Have a cup of hot chocolate for me!

  2. Oh my gosh....sooooo cute! I have corderoy cut to make my Kian a pair JUST like the first pictured set! With those "long pockets". How funny. Hopefully mine will come out as cute. Though they won't be flannel lined. Its not that cold here yet. :)

  3. Erica, we are enjoying plenty of hot chocolate - and it isn't even fall yet... hmmm. Here's wishing you could drop by and have a cup with us - there really is nothing better than a cup of hot chocolate and a pile of picture books.

    Jenny, do post Kian's pants when you finish them. By the way, did you find a pattern for them? I couldn't find anything and ended up making it up (which luckily worked), but I'd be interested for future reference if you have a pattern - it is so much simpler not to have to draft a pattern.

  4. these are fantastic! i'd love to make some for my kids too. did you use a pattern? they look much more professional than what i usually end up with.

  5. Jessica,

    I drafted my own pattern off of pants that fit the boys well. I was happy with how these turned out - I think taking the time to topstitch the side seams was the trick to them seeming more finished than some I have made.

  6. Wow how quickly I've forgotten just how cold it is in St. Andrews! Hot chocolate already? We are still trying to keep from melting in the Houston heat! Really, its still in the 90's here!

    Have a cup for me while I dream of it ever being cool enough for such treats here! And your boys trousers are adorable as always!

    I hope your pregnancy is going well! Miss you guys!


  7. MMmmmm, lovely. I hope you have flannel sheets, too!

  8. Haley, we'll certainly have a cup of hot chocolate for you. Our current house is significantly colder than it is outside, which doesn't bode well for winter, but we're working on it :o) We miss you here too.

  9. We do have flannel sheets - some things are just a must!

  10. I'm SO impressed with those trousers! I know I see you around a lot but I wanted to comment on here in case I forget to tell you in person. Nice work! :)
