
Thursday, August 11

Maren's Party

One of the highlights of our trip was Maren's party to celebrate the end of her treatments.  My brother's daughter Maren is four now and it was just after her second birthday that she was diagnosed with leukemia.  It has been so difficult to see how much this little girl (and her family) have gone through, but we are praising the Lord that she is well and that life can slowly grow into a new normal - a normal without "cranky medicines, jabs and frequent trips to Children's hospital.  The party was a wonderful way to celebrate and to salute Maren and her family's bravery over the past couple years.  We are so very grateful.

I didn't get many photos on the day as there were so many people to see, squirters full of water and taco bars to visit (YUM!)...   

Maren and Liliana


  1. Praising God for wellness!! How nice that you could celebrate with your family.

  2. Wonderful news! Well done, Maren and her family! Truly something to celebrate - glad you could be there.

  3. What a happy day! And I love that you took a picture of Liliana after she stepped into the pool in her dress!
