We are in Seattle now and I have access to a camera cord and now that Jim has joined us (after his own set of cancelled/delayed flights and misplaced baggage) I have the computer as well. So perhaps I can catch up this space to our adventures.
The two weeks at my parents' house were wonderful and hard. It was hard because Rowan and I both struggled with sleep, which was a bad combination without Daddy to help. And it was wonderful because life with my parents was full in the very best sense, for all of us. Jonah played so many games and while Grandma played and played with two happy little boys I found time to sew and begin a new hobby (more on that in a future post).
Here are a few of our favorite things...
There was some apple picking - not to mention blueberries, currants, blackberries, raspberries, green beans, squash, corn, and peaches. Oh, there is nothing more beautiful than seeing my two wee boys excitedly picking healthy fresh food and seeing juice dribble down their chins! |
Some time to sew and mom's well stocked pattern files to raid. Did I mention a trip to the fabric store... oh, you'll see my finds soon I hope. |
Rowan helped bake every day. Muffins, Zucchini bread, pancakes... this boy loves to make things. |
Music with Grandma - Jonah really enjoyed a couple piano lessons with Grandma and began spending time on his own practicing simple songs using fingering charts. I think we may need to continue to pursue this interest. |
Cousins :: Oh, my nieces and nephew are so much fun and the boys spent many happy hours playing with these fun friends. |
Watching sports with Granddad :: As well as going to a real baseball game (photos to come later I hope), Jonah enjoyed watching world cup soccer, baseball and golf with granddad. We don't have a tv, so he's never watched a full game of anything. He really enjoyed it and also enjoyed playing soccer and baseball with Uncle Jeremy, Elijah and Granddad in the yard. |
Rain :: This may seem funny as we live in such a rainy place, but just as there are many types of snow, there are many types of rain and I have missed the warm summer downpours where it is fun to run around splashing in puddles and getting drenched head to toe. I didn't get many photos, because I had to leave my shoes (and camera) behind and join in the fun. |
Family :: Grandparents, Great Aunts and Uncles and cousins were all well loved and it was amazing to see how comfortable the boys were with them almost immediately. They must sense my comfortability and the love that binds them. This was such a gift as I grieve that they don't have these wonderful people whom I love surrounding them daily. |
Games :: I wish I had counted how many games were played at Grandmas. So many. |
Loved the photos from Mom's! Especially loved the bucket of apples with the barn boots--says "Home" immediately!