
Wednesday, May 11

Kids Clothing Week Challenge

I'm joining in the Kid's Clothing Week Challenge, though I'm getting started a couple days late.  I have lots of plans and am hopeful that I'll be able to sew an hour a day for the next week on several projects.  Tonight is the time of cutting and planning, which is always my favorite part!


  1. Can't wait to see what you come up with! I bet the boys are excited too!

  2. I have been eyeing that rooster print for a while. Can't wait to see what it becomes. I also love that kangaroo print. I've been sewing clothes too....maybe I'll join the challenge. Didn't know about it. Off to check it ou.

  3. excited to see what you do with the chicken print - I'm just about to buy some of it on etsy and will have to sort out what to use it for.
