As I mentioned yesterday, I want to create a space for Jonah to play with the advent story. And so we've begun in the past week with the annunciation.
In Nazareth Mary and Joseph live in homes (two rectangles of brown or black felt). Their homes have beds; Mary's is a small stuffed mattress from cotton, a cotton quilt with zig-zagged edges (super simple and the other side is purple to make a royal bed for all the dreaming OT kings/pharaohs), and a small wool felt pillow (stuffed with wee unusable scraps of felt); Joseph's is a mat cut from a felted wool sweater, a piece of cotton for a blanket and a wool felt pillow. They also have block tables and stools. Joseph has a small hammer (drawn on some card by Mum and cut out) and some 'wood' (cut out of a box by Jonah). Last year we drew plates and I may add some small wooden bowls we have in the godly play supplies this year. One could add as many furniture and household items as the imagination can come up with. It would be fun to do some research as the boys age on different tools, materials, and designs would have been used around the time of Christ's birth.
You also need a Mary, Joseph and Angel. You can find the annunciation story in Luke 1:36-38 and the angel visiting Joseph in a dream in Matthew 1:18-25.
I love the way you truly weave "Godly play" into your home life! I also added the link to this post at