Happy Easter! Yes, I know it is almost over, but the last few months have been a blur of packing and then unpacking. There is still some organization that needs to happen, but it can wait till fall if it must and I finally feel settled both physically and mentally most of the time. I am loving our old rambly house in the city. Having the boys home all day, every day is delightful and challenging at the same time. It is more delightful now that we are past the chaos of moving!
I have great hopes and plans to write a few more substantial posts soon, but for now here is a glimpse at our Eastertide. We arrived in Milwaukee during Holy Week and the movers came Maunday Thursday. We went to Easter Services at the Episcopal Cathedral, which was a lovely Easter celebration. The boys loved the incense and bells. Hearing the familiar liturgy was such a gift that Sunday and every Sunday since. We all feel pretty at home in every Episcopal church we've visited because so much is familiar.
We are enjoying the new house and it is really beginning to feel like home.
We enjoyed a stop at my parents farm on our way to Wisconsin. New lambs were a highlight.
Isaac made the cupcakes for Saint Athanasius Day.
We had a 'cloud' cake for the Feast of the Ascension and met up with Friends for a hill picnic and read the Ascension story.
Athan turned THREE! I was rather emotional about it. He is such a sweet little guy and I'm sad to be leaving the toddler stage.
This is the Egg Hunt at the Cathedral.
Keeping Easter for six weeks is sometimes a challenge. We now have Eater Plates we use for snacks and most meals through the six weeks and Easter napkins or picks for in Muffins are always a simple way to remind us of the season.